During the long cold winter months, when all seems quiet in the neighborhood, it is hard to think about all the work that goes into making the neighborhood an inviting and beautiful place for people to live. Soon the snow and ice will melt and give way to budding trees and flowers. The grass will become greener and the old familiar sound of spring will begin to emerge from the darkness of winter. Just as in years past, the beauty of the neighborhood does not happen by chance.  It takes the work of everyone to keep Historic Meridian Park (HMP) beautiful. Now is the time to think about making a commitment to the neighborhood and how best to get involved and engaged with neighbors. Look at the opportunities listed and see which ones fit your lifestyle and interests. If, in the past, you’ve enjoyed the beauty and camaraderie of HMP, then remember that someone volunteered to make it that way. That someone should be you. As with all the volunteer opportunities, the time commitment is what works for you.


If you enjoy gardening then this is your volunteer opportunity. The roundabout and other places throughout the neighborhood need special attention. If you have an knack for the types of flowers and plants that look good and can survive Indiana weather then you should consider the beautification volunteer opportunity.

Alley Clean-Up

Multiple times a year neighbors gather at the roundabout to strategize and commence to the important work of cleaning up the neighborhood alleys. More than a beautification measure, it is also a safety measure. Well-maintained areas are less of an attraction for illegal activity and demonstrate to everyone that HMP cares. There are usually donuts and coffee available to the volunteers and, when enough people volunteer, the work only take a few hours.

Park Maintenance

The park is for everyone in the neighborhood and should be considered the responsibility of everyone. Regular maintenance which include watering and weeding are needed to maintain the park. As with alleys, a well-maintained park adds value to the neighborhood. A poorly-maintained park devalues the neighborhood and the homes around it and invites crime. Let’s work together to maintain our hard work of developing a beautiful greenspace for our enjoyment. When a workday is announced, please plan to attend. Any help is appreciated.

Additionally, according to the contractor they are waiting on some custom brackets that are expected soon.  Once they receive the brackets, they will put the roof of the shelter on.

Social Events

A cornerstone of HMP are our social events. Occurring throughout the year, social events offer wonderful opportunities to meet new neighbors and connect with the old. From the New Neighbor Reception to the Cajun Brunch to the Christmas Party and those events in between, volunteers are needed. Anything from hosting a party, clean up or break down, to the overall planning is greatly appreciated. Anyone that enjoys the social aspect of HMP should consider volunteering to assist with social events.

Crime Watch

The crime watch program needs volunteers to be successful. At the General Meeting in January 2016, a representative from IMPD spoke with neighbors about the program and what is needed for a successful program. As the weather warms, crime increases. The HMP crime watch program is slowly building steam, but it still needs volunteers.