It difficult to think about neighborhood beautification when the ground is covered in snow and ice, but before we know it, spring will be here and we should be prepared. This year, HMP will have another home tour and this will be our opportunity to showcase the best of HMP. However, even with frozen grounds and snow-covered lawns, there is plenty that we can do to keep our neighborhood looking the best it can:

  • The neighborhood has a contract with the City of Indianapolis to maintain the roundabout. Any neighbor that has extra time is encouraged to pick up the litter that finds its way to the roundabout. This is a small task that would not take much time, but would be a great benefit to the neighborhood. Once warmer weather approaches, interested neighbors are encouraged to come forward and develop a plan for routine maintenance. The HMPNA Board will supply necessary tools and supplies.
  • Maintain the areas around your home. Pick up the trash that blows into your yards and in the street front of your home. This is especially important on windy days when there seems to be a larger accumulation of trash blowing about.
  • Maintain the sidewalk in front of your home and leading up to your home. Our postal carrier and delivery personnel will appreciate your efforts.
  • Maintain the alley space behind your home.