“Will you be president of the board?”

When this question was asked of me 3 years ago, I didn’t know how to answer. Up to that point, my primary objective as a board member was to make myself useful. Being president was never a consideration. So I asked for more time. But, what I wanted was more time to come up reasons to say no.

As I looked for excuses, the voice of fellow neighbor and dear friend, Steve Reynolds, echoed more and more loudly in my mind. He often challenges me to “say ‘yes’ more than ‘no’ to life’s challenges.“ So I said yes.

I said yes to doing everything I can to make sure we are connected to one another.

I said yes to making sure that everyone feels welcome in our neighborhood and at neighborhood events.

I said yes to trying to make sure every neighbor is heard and can help shape the goals of The Board.

And I’m so glad that I did.

A neighbor asked me recently, “Do you know everyone in the neighborhood?”

“Just about,” I said. It is such an incredible privilege to know and care about all of the people in our incredible neighborhood. I feel so fortunate to live here with you. Thank you.

But, now it’s time for me to say “yes” to some new challenges. But maybe – just maybe – it’s time for you to say ‘yes’ to helping shape our incredible neighborhood in the coming years.

Ryan Noel