Ora Triplett, longtime resident on Delaware St, has taken the initiative to gather a few neighborhood children and clean the alleys. Ora thought that it would be a good idea to give the children something to do to occupy their time, keep them out of trouble, and help keep the neighborhood alleys clean. Many neighbors may know Ora as she has been active in the neighborhood events and activities for many years. She actively led the senior program and served on the HMPNA Board for many years. Her latest efforts do no take the place of the regularly scheduled alley clean ups that HMPNA sponsors, but is a welcomed addition to a worthwhile cause. To support this effort, the HMPNA Board has agreeded to supply snacks for the children that participate. If you know a child that would like to help or is in need of service hours for school, please contact any board member and we will put you in touch with Ora Triplett.