Donate to the Pocket Park

To support the HMP Pocket Park and keep it vibrant and a popular gathering place for neighbors, please consider a regular contribution towards the park. Contributions to the Pocket Park are separate from the neighborhood association. To make a tax-deductible donation to the park:

  1. Go to the Mapleton-Fall Creek homepage (our fiscal partner) at
  2. Click the “Donate” button.
  3. After choosing your method of payment, in the “Add special instructions to the seller” section, write in “HMP Pocket Park” to ensure the funds are allocated correctly to our account.
Be a Pocket Park Underwriter

Many of the items in the park were donated by HMP residents. The neighborhood gives a shout out to resident Bob Mead for donating two more picnic tables. In all, Bob has donated 6 picnic tables! Not only did Bob pay for and donate the picnic tables, he assembled and sanded them also. Thanks Bob!

The parks still needs “underwriters” for a few remaining items. A few good neighbors are needed to step up and cover the costs of the following items:

  • Commercial grade trash and recycling receptacle
  • Kids’ commercial grade dish swing
  • Kids’ spider web ropes climber
  • Doggy pick-up station
  • Tree removal along back fence line (would allow fence to be completed)
  • 2-3 more park benches

Want to be an underwriter? Call or write Cassie Mehlman-Rhys at 317-997-2791 or All donations are tax deductible through the Mapleton-Fall Creek Development Corporation.

Additional Assistance Needed

Unable to be an “underwriter” at this time? The park can also use help with the following:

  • Mowing Co-op: Using volunteer help from the neighbors to mow the park saves the neighborhood from having to hire someone. Currently, only a couple of neighbors mow it. The more participants in the co-op, the fewer times each individual will actually have to mow and the better our park will look! If interested in being part of a mowing co-op, please email
  • Liability Insurance ($786 Annually): The neighborhood must maintain liability insurance on the park. Contributions to the pocket park are separate from the neighborhood association. To make a tax-deductible donation to the park:
    1. Go to the Mapleton-Fall Creek homepage (our fiscal partner) at
    2. Click the “Donate” button.
    3. After choosing your method of payment, in the “Add special instructions to the seller” section, write in “HMP Pocket Park” to ensure the funds are allocated correctly to our account.