The next HMP Women’s gathering will happen on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 with miniature golf at The Children’s Museum (TCM) from 4:00 to 5:00 PM and drinks and appetizers at 6:00 PM on Stacey Patrick’s back porch. Apologies to anyone not available that day. During the evening, we’ll plan dates for the next several gatherings, so be thinking if you’re up for hosting May through October. We’ll rotate between Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights during the last week of each month so hopefully everyone can join in.

For miniature golf, just bring your TCM membership card and a photo ID at the door. If you do not already have a membership, stop in before April 20 to order a membership card. You need to bring 1 or 2 utility bills and your photo ID to get your free Mid-North membership. They will give you a temporary membership card to use until the real one is mailed.