When: Saturday, April 14, 2018, times to be announced
Where: Meet at the roundabout at 32nd and Pennsylvania Streets
Details: HMP has been awarded a tree planting grant from KIB. This is not the first time HMP has been awarded a tree planting grant. Many may remember several years ago being asked if a neighborhood could plant a tree on their property. There are a few requirements that property-owners need to be willing to do to ensure the survival of the tee.

HMP will receive 50 trees in 2018. Trees will be planted in the tree lawns lining the streets on Pennsylvania Street from 30th to 34th Streets. Trees will also be planted on tree lawns on 32nd Street from Pennsylvania to Washington Streets. The grant includes watering for the first 3 years of the tree’s life and pruning in Years 3-5. Each tree, with maintenance, represents a $500 value. Trees will all be native varieties.

Volunteers will be needed.