The pocket park has become a destination for many neighborhood events from board meetings to larger board-sponsored social events. Moving forward, the board is looking into replacing some of the play equipment and adding a ground cover around the play equipment such as mulch. Playground equipment is expensive and fundraising efforts are imperative. Pocket park contributions are vital to the upkeep for the park which serves so many functions to the neighborhood. Contributions to the park are independent of the HMPNA dues and can be made via the neighborhood website at or to any board member.

The gates to the pocket were damaged and have been removed. The plan is to repair the gates and return them to the pocket park. The HMPNA Board understands that many parents appreciate the gates as an added safety measure when visiting the park with their children. Parents and park users are asked to please make a special effort to take care of the park equipment to avoid issues like these in the future.

The board would also like to remind park users that the original intent of the park was not to be used as a dog park or a place to place to leave dogs for unsupervised play time. Park users that take their dogs to the park are asked to pick up after your pets so that park users are not greeted with and unpleasant surprise.